Institut für Werkstoffkunde Institut Unser Team Arne Pinkvos Forschungsprojekte
Five-axis Adaptive Manufacturing of Fiber-reinforced Plastic Components


Five-axis Adaptive Manufacturing of Fiber-reinforced Plastic Components

Jahr:  2020
Förderung:  Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture


Supervisor:Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günter Klawitter, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nils Waldt


Projekt ID:4
LocatiHochschule Hannover, Fakultät II (HsH)    


A decisive factor for energy-efficient mobility is the payload ratio, which can be optimised implementing lightweight construction concepts. As the already existing lightweight applications are highly uneconomical for small series and their possible applications are limited, alternative production concepts have to be developed.    


To overcome the limitations of the existing production processes, new techniques and potentials of lightweight construction concepts by additively manufactured, fibre reinforced plastic elements with functional integration by special fibre elements will be investigated within this project. New strategies for Additive Manufacturing on curved surfaces will have to be developed in order to integrate the fiber material into the plastic elements along the force flow.