Institut für Werkstoffkunde Forschung Publikationen
On the Utility of Crystal Plasticity Modeling to Uncover the Individual Roles of Microdeformation Mechanisms on the Work Hardening Response of Fe-23Mn-0.5C TWIP Steel in the Presence of Hydrogen

On the Utility of Crystal Plasticity Modeling to Uncover the Individual Roles of Microdeformation Mechanisms on the Work Hardening Response of Fe-23Mn-0.5C TWIP Steel in the Presence of Hydrogen

Kategorien Zeitschriften/Aufsätze
Jahr 2018
Autorinnen/Autoren Bal, B.; Koyama, M.; Canadinc, D.; Gerstein, G.; Maier, H. J.; Tsuzaki, K.
Veröffentlicht in J. Eng. Mater. Technol 140, 2018 (3), 31002
DOI 10.1115/1.4038801