Institute for Material Science Research Publications
Phase transformations in a boron-alloyed steel at high heating rates

Phase transformations in a boron-alloyed steel at high heating rates

Categories Konferenz
Year 2018
Authors Hordych, I.; Bild, K.; Boiarkin, V.; Rodman, D.; Nürnberger, F.
Published in In: Mori, K.-I.; Abe, Y.; Maeno, T. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Metal Forming. Metal Forming 2018. Toyohashi, Japan. 16.09. - 19.09.2018, Procedia Manufacturing 15, 2018, S. 1062-1070
DOI 10.1016/j.promfg.2018.07.386